St. Gwladys Bargoed Primary School

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Language, Literacy and Communication

Stories and poetry are voyages of discovery which provide rich learning contexts and
meaningful experiences for our pupils. With this in mind, our curriculum, across all AoLEs is creative and literature-rich. Drama enhances learning opportunities by providing imaginative possibilities. Through drama, scenarios can be created which present problems and
explore the deeper implications of the texts. Narrative through drama help pupils to understand life situations, their place in the World and the reactions of others: a cognitive dimension, helping our learners, not only to express their emotions but to empathise with others.

It is vital that our children identify as ethically informed citizens of Wales and the World. The LLC curriculum, therefore, provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities to use multiple languages in order to be effective as they interact, explore ideas, express viewpoints, knowledge and understanding as well as build relationships with one another. Learning experiences, such as Philosophy for Children (P4C) and TASC facilitate exploratory talk as pupils think aloud together, solve problems and make mutual meaning.


We consider drama important in acting as a stimulus for writing. Drafting and crafting writing is intrinsic to our writing experiences in order to promote writers who are critically aware interpreters of what they hear, read and see. Children use green editing pens to encourage ’re-thinks’ and take part in regular self and peer assessments of writing. Personalised writing targets provide children with ways forward.


Through carefully selected class novels, children are exposed to challenging vocabulary, themes and issues which are explored in detail. Guided and Shared Reading experiences allow children to dig deeper into texts. Through Shared Reading, teachers are explicit about the techniques authors use. They also promote ’magpie-ing’ themes, words or stylistic features to support children to write in a unique way. Picture books are used throughout the school to develop higher order reading skills, empathy, understanding and the ability to respond.

All classes have inviting reading areas, containing a range of texts suitable for the stage of the children. Through a culture of sharing a story, either in assemblies or in class at the end of the day, children see reading modelled by adults around them. This enables them to develop a clear understanding of what a text sounds like and how intonation can bring a text alive. All stakeholders are involved in creating a culture of reading through events such as Leading into
Reading , Rhyme Time Challenge, Poetry and Reading Cafés and Book Swaps. In addition, Reading Buddies are set up so that older children can support those who are younger with their reading. Excellent links have been established with Bargoed Library, every class making regular visits to enhance their book choices.


Click here to learn more about the importance of Welsh in our school.