St. Gwladys Bargoed Primary School

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Science and Technology

Our aim is to equip children with the skills to become enthusiastic problem solvers, investigators and enthusiastic young scientists. We want children to have a thirst for discovering new possibilities and become curious about the World and living things. At St. Gwladys, children are given opportunities to carry out exciting STEM projects that develop their scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical skills.

We also focus on a range of topics such as: Living Things, Materials, Energy and Forces and the Human Body. Incorporated within these topics are engaging activities linked to Design and Technology where children have the opportunity to design, make and evaluate products.

The TASC wheel is used consistently to ensure children carry out the process purposefully. Technology is forever changing and we are lucky to have a variety of Coding applications that equip children with skills to use algorithms and be imaginative to code for specific purposes. Children enjoy collaborating, being creative and curious in science which creates a wonderful ‘buzz’ in our school.


St. Gwladys Bargoed has always been committed to promoting excellence in the use of digital
technologies and to ensuring our children are well equipped with the skills to become confident
digital citizens of the World.  

The school is well equipped with a range of iPads, MacBooks, Macs and Chromebooks to enable the children to develop their digital skills in line with the DCF and Curriculum for Wales. Digital Technologies are integral to lessons and are used to enhance learning in all areas of the curriculum from Nursery to Year 6. Children have access to and are guided to become literate in using a range of digital platforms, developing skills that range from creating animations to digital databases. We ensure that our children are continuously developing their understanding of coding and the vital role that it plays in our ever-changing technological world. In this way, we aim to equip them with the skills they will need to succeed and excel in the future world of work. Children are given further opportunities to explore new digital technologies through visits from outside agencies, such as Technocamps. This reflects the aspirational vision we have for our children, ensuring that we open up opportunities for them to explore pathways for future careers.


Every child has a Digital Passport that provides them with the necessary information to securely
access the range of platforms that support their learning; these include: Reading Eggs, MyON, Purplemash, Mathletics and Seesaw. This moves with them through the school and can be accessed at home, as well as in school, providing a continuation of learning throughout their
school journey.

Children from Year 3 to Year 6 act as Digital Leaders. In this role, they support children and staff throughout the school in a variety of ways, facilitating the use of digital technology and guiding the younger children in developing their digital skills and confidence. As well as leading assemblies to share current digital information and news with pupils and staff, the Digital Leaders participate in extra-curricular activities, providing support for parents/carers and the wider community in the use of digital technology.