St. Gwladys Bargoed Primary School

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The school is a Jigsaw Flagship School. The ‘Jigsaw’ scheme is a universal provision accessed by all our pupils. This programme teaches children about emotional literacy, resilience, social and lifelong skills in an age-appropriate way. The children love learning alongside the different ‘Jiggy’

characters as they move through the school with ‘Jerry the Cat’ supporting their meditation time.


‘Jigsaw Outdoors’ is one of the children’s favourite sessions; they look forward to Mindfulness Yoga movements and engaging activities to explore in the outdoor environment. In addition, outdoor learning is promoted through all curriculum areas and the children have access to the school’s log circle and near-by local area for Forest School lessons. Pupils have the opportunity to grow their own produce in school and have also visited the community TARRAGAN allotments. 

Some of our youngest children have access to the outdoor play area alongside St. Gwladys Church. 

‘Jigsaw Families’ is a new addition to our family engagement agenda which offers Parents/guardians the opportunity to work with their child through stories, spending quality time which enhances relationships in school and at home. We are very excited about this new venture which has begun this academic year.


Relationships and Sexual Education  


The Welsh Government believes that all young people should have the right to access  information that keeps them safe from harm. This includes learning about healthy relationships, keeping safe, including online and being confident to raise issues with responsible adults. It is about protecting children’s rights and their mental and emotional wellbeing. It is also legally required to be developmentally appropriate—meaning that children cannot be exposed to learning they are not ready for.

The RSE curriculum focuses on three strands:

Relationships and Identity helping learners develop the skills they need to develop healthy, safe, and fulfilling relationships with others and helping them to make sense of their thoughts and feelings.

Sexual Health and Wellbeing helping learners to draw on factual sources regarding their sexual and reproductive health and well-being, allowing them to make in formed decisions throughout their lives.

Empowerment, Safety and Respect helping to protect learners from all forms of discrimination, violence, abuse and neglect and enabling them to recognise unsafe or harmful relationships and situations, supporting them to recognise when, how and where to seek support and advice.