St. Gwladys Bargoed Primary School

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Expressive Arts

Creativity is fundamental to all we do at St. Gwladys and this Area of Learning and Experience ensures that this is realised. We ensure that our children have opportunities to experience drama, art, dance, music, and film and digital media. We aim to provide children with a developing acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding as they move through the school. 

The Creativity Catchers work hard to raise the profile of the Expressive Arts. An Expressive Arts fortnight is held to celebrate the artistic talents of our children from Nursery to Year 6.

Every opportunity is taken to access grant funding from sources such as the Arts Council for Wales. This enables us to take children to places such as the Welsh Royal College of Music and Drama, the Millennium Centre, the Sherman Theatre, Cardiff to participate in a range of experiences which enhance the curriculum. Our children also benefit from events such as the Night Out Project which brings the Arts to our community while developing the children’s


Taught by a visiting peripatetic, Key Stage 2 children can learn to play a brass instrument. These lessons are funded from the school budget to ensure that all children have equal access.

The choir plays a significant role in the community, taking part in the Town Fayre and other events, such as singing at Bargoed Care Home and in the Croeso Café at the Church Hall. 

Year 6 pupils enjoyed their experience with a professional dancer as part of the Cynefin project, funded by the Arts Council for Wales. As well as children being able to work with a local profession artist on projects.