St. Gwladys Bargoed Primary School

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Collective Worship

Assembly takes place on four days a week. It is considered an important element in maintaining the ethos of the school and setting the tone in each school day. The size of the school necessitates the Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2 assemblies to be celebrated separately. Whenever possible, the school celebrates together for events such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter in St. Gwladys Church. The vicar is invited to lead assemblies in the school. Assemblies are predominantly Christian in tone. The children have a class assembly on the remaining day of the week.

Presentation Assemblies are held on a weekly basis during which the school celebrates the children’s achievements in creative, academic, sporting and other personal categories.

Parents/ carers who would like their child to be withdrawn from collective worship are asked to contact the Headteacher. Alternative provision is made for the supervision of any children who do not participate in collective worship.