St. Gwladys Bargoed Primary School

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We invite parents/guardians to visit the school during school hours to obtain a feeling for the ethos and atmosphere of St. Gwladys. Prospective parents/guardians should contact the school if they would like an appointment. For security reasons, all visitors during the school day are asked to report to the Main Reception Office on Church Place.

Parents may apply for their child to enter pre-Nursery (Enfys Bach) provision the term after their third birthday. There is a Spring and Summer intake. Children aged 3+ are admitted to the Nursery in the September of the academic year that they attain the age of four. Children commence school in small groups over the course of a fortnight.

Parents of all children in Nursery, including those living within the catchment area, must apply for a place for their child to move through to Reception. Further details can be obtained from the Main Reception Office.

The Local Authority is the admitting Authority for all children in Caerphilly. Every child about to commence full time education will be offered a place in a school maintained by the Local Authority.


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 

Caerphilly School Admissions