St. Gwladys Bargoed Primary School

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Additional Learning Needs

We pride ourselves on the care we take to identify and support any child with additional learning needs. Children are currently being moved, in cohort groups, from a Special Educational Needs system to an Additional Learning Needs system. This will be completed by August 2024. (Further details can be obtained by contacting the school.)

The ALN system strengthens the importance of providing information and support so that children and their parents/guardians are involved as much as possible in the process and in decisions that affect them.

The Additional Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) is Mrs S. Doubler. She ensures that all children on the Additional Learning Needs register receive appropriate interventions and support. Working with you, your child and other professionals, we follow a person-centred approach to decide how best to meet your child’s needs, which may result in your child receiving an Individual Development Plan (IDP). Emphasis is placed on collaboration: providing support and information to ensure that your child, and you as parents/guardians, are fully involved in decisions that affect them.
All staff work closely together to enable every child to fulfil and even exceed the targets that have been set.

Children in Years 1, 3 & 5 will be given an Individual Education Plan (IEP) if required or an Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP) might be drawn up which details targets specific to the child. We ensure that parents/guardians whose children are informed of their child’s progress every term.

Children in N, R, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6 have a detailed One Page Profile which details specific targets and the ways in which we will support your child in the classroom in order to meet their individual needs.

Working closely with you as parents/carers, we ensure that we enlist the guidance and expertise of outside agencies, such as the Speech & Language Service and Educational Psychology Service when necessary.

A copy of the Additional Learning Needs Policy is available on request.



The Headteacher and Mrs S. Doubler are designated as the staff having responsibility for promoting the education and wellbeing of all Children who are Looked After. page is awaiting content